Insulation boards with a PIR foam core
PIR boards are used for insulating buildings. They are thermal insulation material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient. They have better properties than polystyrene and mineral wool. The main advantages of PIR boards include: fire resistance, high insulation performance, low weight, high strength, and easy installation. They are excellent for insulating halls, industrial buildings, and single-family houses.

Examples of products:

termPIR® AL insulation boards consist of a thermal insulation core made of rigid PIR foam. The boards are protected on both sides by a multi-layer gas-tight lining consisting of aluminum (AL), paper, and polyethylene.

termPIR® AL OSB(2) insulation boards consist of a termPIR® board with a core made of PIR foam, covered on both sides with a multi-layer gas-tight lining based on paper and aluminum, as well as OSB boards on both sides with a thickness of 8 to 22mm (one board). There is an adhesive layer between the board with the aluminum lining and the OSB boards.
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